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Discover the Fascinating World of Animal Crossing Ocean Sunfish: A Guide to These Majestic Creatures

Discover the Fascinating World of Animal Crossing Ocean Sunfish: A Guide to These Majestic Creatures

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has taken the gaming world by storm with its adorable and unique creatures. One such creature that has recently captured the attention of players is the Ocean Sunfish. This bizarre fish is both fascinating and entertaining to encounter during gameplay.

Have you caught an Ocean Sunfish yet? With its large, flat body and tiny fins, it's not exactly the most graceful fish in the sea. In fact, it's often referred to as the world's weirdest fish. But don't let its awkward appearance fool you - the Ocean Sunfish is actually quite impressive.

Did you know that the Ocean Sunfish is the heaviest bony fish in the world? That's right, this fish can weigh up to a whopping 5,000 pounds! It's no wonder they move so slowly through the water. And yet, despite their size, they still manage to be adorable.

Some players might be tempted to write off the Ocean Sunfish as just another in-game creature, but that would be a mistake. These fish have a lot to offer, both in terms of gameplay and real-life knowledge.

For starters, catching an Ocean Sunfish can earn you a pretty penny. They sell for a respectable amount of bells at Nook's Cranny, making them a great catch for those looking to earn some quick cash.

But even beyond their monetary value, the Ocean Sunfish is a fascinating example of the diversity of life in the ocean. Did you know that they are related to pufferfish and porcupinefish? It's amazing to think how many different and unique creatures live beneath the waves.

Of course, one of the best things about encountering an Ocean Sunfish in Animal Crossing is the sheer entertainment value. Their slow, awkward movements are sure to elicit a chuckle or two from players. And let's not forget about the fact that they look absolutely adorable.

If you haven't had the chance to catch an Ocean Sunfish yet, don't worry - they're not too difficult to find. Just head out to sea with some fish bait and keep your eyes peeled. You never know when one of these giant fish might show up.

It's clear that the Ocean Sunfish is one of the standout creatures in Animal Crossing. From its unusual appearance to its impressive size, there's a lot to love about this weird and wonderful fish. So why not take some time to explore the ocean and see if you can catch one for yourself? Who knows - you just might become a fan of this quirky creature.

Animal Crossing Ocean Sunfish
"Animal Crossing Ocean Sunfish" ~ bbaz


Animal Crossing has become a popular video game amongst gamers. The series features cute and friendly animals that act like people living in a virtual world. One of the animals that fans of the game love to interact with is the Ocean Sunfish. The Ocean Sunfish is one of the more unique creatures in Animal Crossing, so let's take a closer look!

About the Ocean Sunfish

The Ocean Sunfish, also known as the Mola Mola, is a large aquatic animal that appears in Animal Crossing. The fish can weigh up to 2,200 pounds, making it one of the heaviest bony fishes in the world. They have a distinct round shape, which makes them easily recognizable.

In-Game Appearance

In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the Ocean Sunfish can be found swimming in the ocean from the months of July through September. The Ocean Sunfish appears as two separate shadows in the water and can only be caught using a fishing rod.

Selling Price

If you're able to catch an Ocean Sunfish, you'll be able to sell it for 4,000 Bells at Nooks Cranny. This hefty selling price is worth those early morning fishing trips!

Ocean Sunfish Fun Facts

As mentioned earlier, Ocean Sunfish are one of the largest bony fish in the world. However, this large size comes at a cost. Ocean Sunfish have one of the slowest swimming speeds of all fish, which makes them incredibly vulnerable to predators.

Another fact that may fascinate you is their eating habits. Despite their massive size, Ocean Sunfish primarily feed on jellyfish. This strange diet could be because it's filling, and they don't need to consume large quantities of food to survive.

Ocean Sunfish in Pop Culture

The Ocean Sunfish has become a pop culture icon. The cartoon show Phineas and Ferb features an episode that pays homage to the huge fish.

In Japan, the Ocean Sunfish is known as the “”King of Herrings,” and is considered a delicacy. It's even been featured on the Japanese cooking show Iron Chef.

Final Thoughts

The Ocean Sunfish is one of the most unique creatures that you'll come across in Animal Crossing. Its massive size and quirky eating habits make it fascinating to learn about and interact with in-game.

So, if you're an Animal Crossing player, make sure to keep an eye out for the Ocean Sunfish on your next fishing trip, who knows, you might just catch one!

Animal Crossing Ocean Sunfish – A Comprehensive Comparison

Animal Crossing has taken the world by storm, gaining immediate popularity when it was first introduced in 2001. Since then, several versions have come up, with different elements, characters, and animals. The ocean sunfish is one such animal that the game introduced its players to. In this article, we will make a comprehensive comparison of the ocean sunfish in Animal Crossing.

Introduction to Animal Crossing Ocean Sunfish

The Ocean Sunfish, also known as Mola Mola, is a unique fish species found in the oceans of the world. It is a popular aquatic creature in Animal Crossing, where it is often used as a way for players to earn bells. Typically found in tropical and temperate waters, the ocean sunfish is considered the largest bony fish in the world.


The ocean sunfish has a unique appearance that makes it stand out from other fish species. With a flattened body and a round shape, the ocean sunfish can grow up to 10 feet long and weigh up to 5000 pounds. They also have a strange-looking mouth that reminds you of a beak or a bird.


The ocean sunfish live in the open ocean and is known to travel between temperate and tropical waters. It's most commonly found in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Bells and Rarity

In Animal Crossing, catching an ocean sunfish can be both a lucrative and challenging task. They are worth 4,000 Bells each and can be sold to Tom Nook at Nook's Cranny. Players will need to have a Master Fishing Rod to catch them since they are located in the deeper waters of the ocean.

When it comes to rarity, the ocean sunfish is not one of the rarest fish in the game. It is available in all seasons, except for winter. However, players may struggle to catch them since they only appear at specific times during the day.

Catching an Ocean Sunfish

As mentioned earlier, players will need a Master Fishing Rod to catch an ocean sunfish since they live in the deeper waters of the ocean. Players can locate them by looking for large shadows in the ocean.

The best time to catch the ocean sunfish is between 9 am and 4 pm. However, players should note that the fish is quite speedy, which makes it challenging to catch.

Cooking and Recipes

The ocean sunfish is not one of the fishes that players can cook and eat in Animal Crossing. Unlike other fish species like the sea bass and the tuna, the ocean sunfish cannot be cooked, but players can sell them to earn Bells.

The Coelacanth vs. The Ocean Sunfish in terms of rarity

Often considered as one of the rarest fish species in Animal Crossing, the coelacanth is found in tropical and temperate oceans. They come out on rainy days, and players will need to have a Master Fishing Rod to catch them. However, while the coelacanth is rarer than the ocean sunfish, they are both challenging to catch for different reasons.

Comparison table of Coelacanth and Ocean Sunfish

Coelacanth Ocean Sunfish
Rarity: Rare Rarity: Uncommon
Sell Value: 15,000 Bells Sell Value: 4, 000 Bells
Appearance: Large dark blue fish that can grow up to 6 feet long Appearance: Large and Flattened fish that can grow up to 10 feet long
Habitat: Ocean (rainy days) Habitat: Temperate and Tropical Oceans


The ocean sunfish is one of the unique aquatic creatures found in Animal Crossing. While they are not the rarest fish species in the game, catching them can be a challenge for players. However, with patience and the right equipment, players can earn a significant number of Bells by selling them to Tom Nook at Nook's Cranny. Overall, they are an important addition to the game, adding a new challenge and dimension to the fishing aspect of Animal Crossing.

Tips and Tricks for Catching the Elusive Animal Crossing Ocean Sunfish


Animal Crossing is a game enjoyed by players of all ages and backgrounds. One aspect of this game that attracts players is fishing. While there are plenty of fish in the sea, some are harder to catch than others. If you are struggling to catch an ocean sunfish, this article is for you. Here are some tips and tricks to help you snag this rare fish.

What is an Ocean Sunfish?

Before diving into how to catch one, it's important to know what an ocean sunfish is. These fish are massive, with adult sizes sometimes exceeding 10 feet in length. They are also known as Mola Molas, which is their scientific classification. Their body shape is unique, resembling that of a large disk with a dorsal fin and anal fin on either end.

Location, Location, Location

The first step to catching an ocean sunfish is knowing where to find it. These fish can only be found in the ocean, more specifically in the sea area surrounding your island. They tend to spawn from June to September in the northern hemisphere and December to March in the southern hemisphere. Be sure to check the time of day as they are most active from 4 am to 9 pm.

Bait and Tackle

To catch an ocean sunfish, you will need to have the right bait and tackle. The best bait for catching an ocean sunfish is a jellyfish. You can find jellyfish in the ocean while swimming, or they can be purchased from other players' stores. As for the tackle, the best option is a fishing rod with a large capacity.

Fishing Techniques

Once you have the bait and tackle, it's time to start fishing. The ocean sunfish is a tricky fish to catch, but the key is patience. Cast your line into the ocean and wait quietly for the fish to bite. Unlike other fish, the ocean sunfish is slow and may take some time to notice your bait. Once the fish bites your bait, reel it in slowly without jerking the line as this will scare the fish away.

Persistence Pays Off

Don't be discouraged if you don't catch an ocean sunfish on your first try. It may take several attempts before you finally hook one. Keep trying different times of day and locations until you find the perfect spot.

Trading with Other Players

If all else fails, consider trading with other players. The ocean sunfish is a highly sought-after fish, and other players would likely be willing to trade for rare items or bells.

Celebrate Your Success

Finally, when you do catch an ocean sunfish, take a moment to celebrate your success! These fish are a badge of honor amongst Animal Crossing players, and you deserve to feel proud of your accomplishment.


Catching an ocean sunfish in Animal Crossing can be a challenging feat, but with the right tools and techniques, it is possible. Remember to be patient and persistent, and don't be afraid to ask other players for help. With these tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to catching that elusive ocean sunfish.

Learning About the Majestic Ocean Sunfish in Animal Crossing

Welcome to another fascinating blog about Animal Crossing! Today, we are going to talk about one of the most interesting sea creatures ever - the ocean sunfish. This fish is considered the largest bony fish in the world, and it is a popular addition to the game's museum collection. But what do we know about the ocean sunfish? Let's find out!

Firstly, let us establish that the ocean sunfish is also known as the common mola, and its Latin name is Mola mola. It belongs to the family Molidae, and it can be found in oceans worldwide, often swimming near the surface with its curious-looking, flattened body. The ocean sunfish can grow up to 11 feet long and weigh over 5,000 pounds, but in Animal Crossing, its size is considerably smaller.

In the game, the ocean sunfish can be caught between June and September, from 4 am to 9 pm. Selling it to Timmy and Tommy will earn you 4,000 Bells, which is not bad at all! However, if you wish to donate it to Blathers for display at the museum, he will say this about the ocean sunfish: Ah, the ocean sunfish! Truly a behemoth of the sea, though not one I'd like to encounter while swimming. Watching them float by on their sides like enormous pancakes is a sight to behold, it's true. But these unusual fish, with their truncated tails and manifold fins, are really quite bizarrely constructed. They are also rather...slow, wot? Thus they are hardly capable of any mischief.

Blathers is correct- the ocean sunfish is a gentle giant and poses no threat to humans, despite its size. In fact, it is often seen swimming near boats or whales, feeding on jellyfish, plankton, and small fish. Its diet largely consists of jellies, which are not a nutritious food source, and hence the sunfish has to consume a ton of them every day to survive.

The ocean sunfish has some oddities about its anatomy. Firstly, it lacks a true tail fin; instead, it has a clavus, which is a structure that serves as a rudder. Secondly, its mouth is quite small in comparison to its overall body size, which might explain why it consumes so many tiny jellyfish. Lastly, its skin is so thin that light can pass right through it- giving us an X-ray-like glimpse into its internal organs!

One thing you may notice about the ocean sunfish in Animal Crossing is that it appears almost too flat. Well, that's because it's designed to be viewed from the side, just like real-life sunfish. However, when it moves, it resembles a cube darting around in the water. It's an intriguing sight to behold!

In conclusion, the ocean sunfish is a fascinating creature, both in real life and in Animal Crossing. Its unusual appearance, gentle disposition, and unique anatomy make it a noteworthy addition to the game's museum collection, as well as a fun catch during its season. So go out and try to catch one, and maybe you'll appreciate this big, adorable pancake even more!

Thank you for reading today's blog article all about the ocean sunfish in Animal Crossing. Be sure to explore our website for more interesting reads on Animal Crossing's features, updates, and secrets. We hope you learned something new today, and remember to have fun and take care of your island and its inhabitants!

People Also Ask About Animal Crossing Ocean Sunfish

What is an ocean sunfish in Animal Crossing?

In Animal Crossing, the ocean sunfish (known as the oarfish) is a rare, deep-sea fish that can be caught with a fishing rod. It is worth 4,000 Bells and can only be caught during the winter months of December through February.

What can I do with the ocean sunfish in Animal Crossing?

The ocean sunfish can be sold to Timmy and Tommy at Nook's Cranny for 4,000 Bells, or to CJ for 6,000 Bells. It can also be donated to Blathers at the museum.

Is the ocean sunfish good for anything in Animal Crossing?

Besides being a valuable fish to sell or donate, the ocean sunfish has no other uses in Animal Crossing gameplay.

What do I need to catch an ocean sunfish in Animal Crossing?

To catch an ocean sunfish in Animal Crossing, you will need a fishing rod with a bait attached. The fish can only be caught during the winter months of December through February and can be found in the ocean.

How big can an ocean sunfish get in Animal Crossing?

In Animal Crossing, the ocean sunfish can grow up to be one of the largest fish in the game, with a size of 6 feet long and weighing up to 5,000 pounds.

Is the ocean sunfish in Animal Crossing a rare fish?

Yes, the ocean sunfish is considered a rare fish in Animal Crossing due to its limited availability during the winter months and its high value when sold or donated.

Can I find the ocean sunfish year-round in Animal Crossing?

No, the ocean sunfish can only be found and caught in Animal Crossing during the winter months of December through February.

What is the ocean sunfish's scientific name in Animal Crossing?

In Animal Crossing, the ocean sunfish is referred to as the Regalecus glesne, which is a reference to its real-life scientific name, Regalecus russellii.

Can the ocean sunfish be found in any other Animal Crossing games?

Yes, the ocean sunfish can also be found and caught in other Animal Crossing titles such as Wild World, City Folk, and New Leaf.