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Unleash Your Inner Fox with Animal Jam Fox Hats - A Complete Guide

Unleash Your Inner Fox with Animal Jam Fox Hats - A Complete Guide

The Animal Jam community has been buzzing about one particular item for a while now - Fox Hats! These stylish accessories are highly sought-after by players and are known to be quite rare. So, what exactly are these Fox Hats, and why are they so popular?

First and foremost, it's important to note that Fox Hats are not just any ordinary accessory. They are a symbol of prestige in the Animal Jam world, and owning one makes a player stand out from the rest. With the wide variety of Animal Jam items available, it takes something truly special to become a must-have.

So, what makes Fox Hats so unique? Well, for starters, they have a sleek and classic design that appeals to many players. The hat features a bushy tail and pointy ears reminiscent of the cute and sly foxes of the Animal Jam world. In addition, Fox Hats come in an array of colors, allowing players to match them with their favorite outfit or animal.

But that's not all - Fox Hats also have a fascinating backstory. Did you know that they were originally introduced in 2012 as a reward for completing a mini-game called Lucky Clovers? Now, years later, these hats have become a staple in the Animal Jam community and continue to fascinate players of all ages.

Despite the apparent appeal of Fox Hats, they can be challenging to acquire. As mentioned earlier, they are considered rare items and may not always be available in the game's stores. Furthermore, they often come with hefty price tags in the Animal Jam trading system, which can be a deterrent for some players.

Nevertheless, for those who are determined to get their hands on a Fox Hat, there are various strategies that can help. These include participating in trades, attending online events, and keeping an eye out for exclusive sales. With a little bit of patience and perseverance, anyone can add this coveted accessory to their collection.

Overall, it's evident that Fox Hats have become a significant part of the Animal Jam culture. Their unique design, rarity, and history have made them a symbol of prestige in the game's community. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer, owning a Fox Hat is a surefire way to stand out from the pack.

So, are you ready to take your Animal Jam style to the next level with a Fox Hat? Don't waste any more time - start planning your strategies now and get one step closer to becoming an Animal Jam legend!

Animal Jam Fox Hats
"Animal Jam Fox Hats" ~ bbaz


Animal Jam is a great platform for kids to learn and explore more about the world of animals. It is an online game that allows kids to create their animal avatars, explore different locations, and play mini-games. One of the most popular items in the game is the Fox Hat.

What are Fox Hats?

Fox Hats are headwear items that were introduced in Animal Jam as part of the game's first-ever rare item Monday. This item was released on October 31, 2011, and has been a fan favorite ever since. The Fox Hat is a hat that looks like a fox's head, complete with pointy ears and a fluffy tail.

Designs of Fox Hats

Over the years, there have been various designs of Fox Hats. The original design was a brown and white hat. Later on, Animal Jam started releasing different colors such as pink, black, purple, and blue. Apart from the color, there are also variations in the pattern of the hat, including spots and stripes.

How to Get a Fox Hat

Getting your hands on a Fox Hat is not easy as they are considered rare items in the game. However, there are several ways you can obtain them:

  • Trading with other players
  • Purchasing them with Gems in the game store
  • Winning them from giveaways or contests

The Value of Fox Hats

Due to Fox Hats' rarity, they have become a popular item for trading among players. The value of each hat varies based on its color, design, and availability. Some of the rarer versions of Fox Hats, such as the black and white spotted hat, can go for a high price of up to 20 Diamonds.

Fox Hats and Scamming

As with any rare item, Fox Hats have become a target for scammers in the game. Players should be careful when trading for a Fox Hat and ensure that they are trading with a trusted player. It is essential to know the value of the item before trading to avoid being scammed.


In conclusion, Fox Hats are one of Animal Jam's most popular items. They come in different colors and designs and are considered rare, making them valuable among players. However, with their rarity comes the risk of being scammed. It is crucial to trade carefully and only with trusted players to obtain a Fox Hat fairly and enjoy it in the game.

A Comprehensive Comparison of Animal Jam Fox Hats


Animal Jam, the online virtual world for kids, is a platform that allows players to adopt and customize their own animal avatars. One of the most popular accessories among players is the coveted Fox Hat. The Fox Hat is available in numerous colors and variations, each with its unique set of features and benefits. This article aims to provide a comprehensive comparison of Animal Jam Fox Hats.

Color Variations

The Fox Hat comes in various color options, namely red, blue, purple, pink, neon, orange, yellow, white, brown, black, rare, and worn. Each color variation has unique aesthetics that can affect the avatar's overall look. For instance, the neon Fox Hat glows in the dark, making it perfect for nighttime adventures. On the other hand, the rare and worn Fox Hats are highly sought-after because they are difficult to obtain and add prestige to the player's collection.


As mentioned earlier, some of the Fox Hats are considered rare and challenging to acquire. The rare Fox Hats include the silver, gold, diamond, and the legendary phantom varieties. These hats are not only harder to obtain but also come with unique qualities that set them apart from standard hats. In contrast, the worn Fox Hat is easier to find and buy, but it is not as rare as the other variants.

Material Quality

Depending on the type of Fox Hat, the material quality may vary. Some of the regular hats are made of basic materials that do not provide much texture or detail. However, the rare and special edition Fox Hats are crafted with better quality materials, which make them stand out from the rest. For example, the Diamond Fox Hat has a glittery, diamond-like texture, while the Phantom Hats have intricate, glowing patterns.

Price Point

The price of the Fox Hats is determined by various factors such as rarity, color, and material quality. The standard hats can be bought with in-game currency or obtained through trading with other players. However, the rare and special edition hats demand a considerable amount of in-game currency or real money. For instance, the Diamond Fox Hat may cost up to 20,000 in-game diamonds or $40 in real currency, while the basic hats cost around 500 to 1,000 in-game diamonds.


The availability of the Fox Hats is another factor to consider when choosing a hat variant. Some of the hats are no longer available in the game and can only be bought or traded through third-party websites. For example, the beta, pirate, and long collar Fox Hats were only available during certain events and are now extremely rare to find. As such, it is essential to research the availability of a Fox Hat before attempting to acquire it.


The popularity of the Fox Hats is undeniable, as they have become an iconic accessory featured in various YouTube videos, social media pages, and blogs. This popularity has resulted in the increased demand for the rare and special edition hats. As more players seek to collect the rare hats, the prices and trading values continue to rise. Thus, the popularity of the Fox Hats is both a benefit and a challenge for players who want to acquire them.


Apart from aesthetics, comfort is also an essential aspect to consider when choosing a Fox Hat. Some of the hats are too heavy or bulky, which can be uncomfortable to wear for extended periods. Additionally, the hats with sharp or pointy edges can accidentally bump into other players or objects, causing distractions and potential mishaps.

Rarity Comparison Table

Below is a table highlighting the rarity of the different Fox Hats in Animal Jam.| Fox Hat Variant | Rarity Level || --- | --- || Standard Fox Hats | Common || Worn Fox Hat | Uncommon || Rare Fox Hats | Rare || Diamond, Silver, and Gold Fox Hats | Very Rare || Legendary Phantom Fox Hat | Ultra Rare |


In conclusion, the Fox Hats are an excellent accessory for players who want to add some flair to their avatars. The hats' uniqueness, rarity, and color variations make them an enticing addition to any collection. However, the high price points and limited availability can be a drawback for some players. Despite this, the popularity of the Fox Hats continues to grow, and they remain a must-have for many Animal Jam enthusiasts.

How to Get and Style the Best Animal Jam Fox Hats

Animal Jam is an online game that allows you to create your own avatar, explore Jamaa with other players and collect virtual items. One of the rarest and most sought after items in Animal Jam are the fox hats. These hats have gained a cult following because they are cute, rare, and stylish. Here’s how you can get your hands on one and style it to perfection!

How to Get a Fox Hat

There are different types of fox hats in Animal Jam including the rare fox hat, fluffy fox hat, and diamond-encrusted fox hat. The most coveted of these is the rare fox hat which is highly sought after and quite difficult to come by. Here are a few ways to get one:

Play Games

You can earn gems or tickets by playing games like Best Dressed, Fruit Slinger, and Sky High and use them to buy fox hats at the shops. However, it may take you awhile to earn enough gems to buy a rare fox hat.

Trade With Other Players

If you have a rare or hard-to-find item in Animal Jam, you can trade it for a fox hat with other players. Look for players who are advertising their fox hats in trade requests or in-game chat rooms. Make sure to only trade with reputable and trustworthy players.

Buy Them With Real Money

Premium members can buy rare fox hats from the Animal Jam website. You will need to use real money to purchase them, but this is the easiest way to get one.

How to Style Your Fox Hat

Once you have your new fox hat, it’s time to style it! Here are a few tips:

Match It to Your Outfit

The best way to style your fox hat is to match it to your outfit. If you’re wearing red, wear a red fox hat. If you’re wearing pink, wear a pink fox hat. This will give your avatar a polished and put-together look.

Add Accessories

You can also add accessories to your fox hat to make it stand out even more. Try adding a gemstone or flower to the brim of the hat or wrap a scarf around it. This will add a level of detail to your outfit and make it truly unique.

Experiment With Different Hairstyles

If you’re feeling bold, try experimenting with different hairstyles. A short, choppy hairstyle can make your fox hat look edgy and cool while longer styles can create a more romantic look.


There you have it – a few simple tips for getting and styling your very own Animal Jam fox hat! Whether you choose to earn one by playing games, trade with other players, or buy one with real money, you’re sure to turn heads with this rare and coveted item. Experiment with different styles and accessories until you find the perfect look for your avatar!

Discovering the World of Animal Jam Fox Hats: A Guide for Parents and Kids

Animal Jam is a popular online game that is beloved by kids around the world, and one of the game's most coveted items is the elusive fox hat. These hats have become something of a status symbol for players, and there are plenty of rumors and myths surrounding their acquisition. As a parent, it can be overwhelming to navigate this world of in-game currencies, trades, and virtual marketplaces. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to help your child acquire a fox hat in a safe and responsible way.

The first thing you need to understand is that fox hats are not freely available in Animal Jam. They are considered rare items and must be obtained through trading or purchasing through the game's virtual marketplace, known as the Trading Post. There are a few different types of fox hats available, including the original brown and white version and a variety of recolors.

If your child is determined to acquire a fox hat, they will likely need to spend some time building up their collection of in-game currencies. Animal Jam features two main currencies: gems and diamonds. Gems can be earned by completing mini-games, while diamonds are a premium currency that can be purchased with real money or earned through various promotions and events.

Before your child dives headfirst into the world of fox hat acquisition, it's important to set some ground rules. Make sure they understand the value of their in-game currencies, and encourage them to only trade with trusted friends or adult-approved players. Additionally, you may want to set a budget for diamond purchases to avoid overspending or impulsive buying.

Once your child has built up a sizable collection of gems and diamonds, they can begin their search for a fox hat. The easiest way to obtain a fox hat is through trading with other players. Encourage your child to offer fair trades and to be patient, as finding a willing trader can take some time. Another option is to purchase a fox hat through the Trading Post. This method can be more reliable but may require a larger amount of diamonds or a higher trade value.

It's important to note that not all trades are equal, and some players may try to scam or deceive your child in their quest for a fox hat. Teach your child to spot fraudulent trades, and encourage them to report any suspicious behavior to the game's moderators.

One of the most exciting aspects of acquiring a fox hat is the social status that comes with it. Your child may receive compliments and admiration from fellow players, and this can be a boost to their self-esteem. Encourage them to use their newfound status to make positive connections with other players and to share the joy of their new item rather than using it as a means to exclude or belittle others.

Another important aspect of Animal Jam gameplay is responsible spending and budgeting. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of virtual purchases, but encourage your child to consider the value of their gems and diamonds and to weigh each purchase carefully before making a decision.

In conclusion, acquiring a fox hat in Animal Jam can be a fun and rewarding experience for kids, but it's important to approach this goal in a responsible way. Make sure your child understands the value of their in-game currencies, and encourage them to only trade with trusted friends or adult-approved players. With patience, perseverance, and responsible budgeting, your child can join the ranks of Animal Jam's elite fox hat collectors.

Thank you for taking the time to read this guide, and we hope it was helpful to you and your child. Have fun exploring the magical world of Animal Jam!

People Also Ask About Animal Jam Fox Hats

What are Fox Hats in Animal Jam?

Fox Hats are virtual items in the online game Animal Jam that allow players to customize their animal characters. The Fox Hat is a headwear item designed to resemble a fox's head, and it comes in multiple colors and styles.

Can you still get Fox Hats in Animal Jam?

Yes, Fox Hats are still available for purchase and trade within the Animal Jam community. However, some of the rarest and most coveted Fox Hats may be difficult to obtain, as they are no longer sold in the game's store.

How do you get a Fox Hat in Animal Jam?

There are several ways to acquire a Fox Hat in Animal Jam:

  1. Purchase a Fox Hat from the game's store for 4 diamonds.
  2. Trade with other players who have Fox Hats.
  3. Occasionally, Fox Hats are given out as rewards for completing certain activities or participating in special events within the game.

Are Fox Hats rare in Animal Jam?

Yes, certain colors and styles of Fox Hats are considered rare and highly sought after by collectors within the Animal Jam community. Some of the rarest Fox Hats include the Silver, Golden, and Founders' hats, which were only available during limited-time promotions or events.

What is the value of a Fox Hat in Animal Jam?

The value of a Fox Hat can vary depending on its rarity and demand within the community. Some common Fox Hats may only be worth a few diamonds, while rarer hats could be worth hundreds or even thousands of diamonds in trades. It's always a good idea to research the current market value of a Fox Hat before making any trades or purchases.