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Master the Art of Animal Training in Dwarf Fortress: Tips and Strategies for Success

Master the Art of Animal Training in Dwarf Fortress: Tips and Strategies for Success
Animal Training in Dwarf Fortress: A Guide to Successfully Taming Your CreaturesDo you ever wonder how some players manage to have a flock of trained war bears or a herd of obedient giant cave toads in their fortress? Animal training in Dwarf Fortress may seem daunting, but with the right knowledge and skills, you can turn your animals from wild beasts into useful and loyal assets.In this article, we will cover the basics of animal training in Dwarf Fortress, including why it matters and what creatures are trainable. We'll also provide tips and tricks for successful training, as well as common mistakes to avoid.First of all, why bother with animal training? The short answer is that trained animals can be incredibly helpful in both defense and production. For example, a pack of well-trained hunting dogs can take down even the most fearsome of beasts, while a group of trained war animals (such as war bears, war leopards, or giant cave toads) can make an almost unbeatable military force. Additionally, trained animals can help with farming, hauling, and caravaning, greatly reducing the workload of your dwarves.But not all animals are trainable, and even trainable animals will differ in their level of difficulty. Commonly trainable animals include dogs, cats, horses, donkeys, yaks, cows, pigs, and some types of birds (such as hens and turkeys). More difficult animals to train include war animals (mentioned above), large predators such as tigers and giant jaguars, and exotic creatures like unicorns or giant eagles.So, how do you go about training an animal? The first step is to designate a trainer (you can do this through the z menu, selecting the animal, and then tagging them for training). Make sure your trainer has the necessary skills - Animal Caretaking and Animal Training - and enough free time to dedicate to the task.Next, create a training zone for your animal. This can be done through the i menu and selecting zones. Make sure the zone is in an area that is easily accessible to your trainer and the animal, and stock it with food and water for the animal to snack on during training sessions.Once your animal is in the training zone, you can assign specific training tasks through the z menu. Start with the basics - obedience, climbing, and retrieving. As your animal gets better at these tasks, move on to more advanced training, such as biting, wrestling, and dodge.But beware of common mistakes when training animals. For example, continually yelling at an animal to do something can actually decrease their obedience to commands. Similarly, if an animal becomes too exhausted or stressed during training, they may become harder to train in the future.One tip for successful training is to provide positive reinforcement, such as petting or feeding, when your animal completes a task successfully. This will increase their motivation to continue training and obeying commands.Another important factor to consider is the temperament of your animal. Some creatures are naturally more aggressive or prone to tantrums than others, and this can affect their trainability. If you find that a particularly difficult animal is not responding to training, it may be best to give up and focus on easier creatures.In conclusion, animal training in Dwarf Fortress can be a valuable tool for any player looking to boost their fortress's defense and productivity. By following these basic guidelines and avoiding common mistakes, you can turn even the wildest of beasts into loyal and useful companions.So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start taming those giant cave toads!
Animal Training Dwarf Fortress
"Animal Training Dwarf Fortress" ~ bbaz


Animal training in Dwarf Fortress can be a critical part of your fortress's success. Animals can be trained to haul, defend, and even perform other useful tasks. This guide will provide essential insights on how to train animals effectively.

What you need to start animal training

Before you start training any animals, you need to make sure that you have specific things in place. You will need an animal trainer dwarf, food, and a source of water for your animals to survive.

It may take some time before the animal trainer dwarf can start training animals to do what you want, but with patience, your animals will become a valuable addition to your fortress.

Getting started with Animal Training

To start training an animal, first, select the 'animals' menu and choose the 't' key to view your available animals. From here, you can see which animals are trainable and those that aren't. To begin training an animal, highlight it and press 't' again.

After selecting the animal, a list of options will appear. Here you can choose which skill to train the animal in and how much effort you want to put into the training. If you have multiple animals of the same kind, you can train them all at once using the Train Multiple Animals option.

How to Train animals as Haulers

Hauling is one of the most important skills an animal can learn. It helps to move goods and materials from one place to another. For example, dogs and donkeys are good for hauling, but horses are even better.

To train an animal in hauling, select it from the 'animals' menu and then select the hovering option 'h'. This will bring up a list of materials and objects that you want the animal to haul. Select the items you want, and the animal trainer will get to work.

Combat Training Animals for Defense

Animals can also protect your fortress from invaders or hostile creatures. All animals have different levels of combat abilities; some are better than others. Some of the best combat-trained animals are war dogs, jaguars, and cave crocodiles.

Start combat training by selecting an animal from the 'animals' menu and then select the 's' option. This will allow you to choose what to attack, such as unarmed foes, armed foes, and specific types of enemies. You can also choose the level of aggression you want the animal to show.

Training Animals to Perform Different Jobs

Animals can be trained to do a wide variety of jobs in your fortress. For example, you can train horses, elephants, and camels to carry passengers. One important animal to consider training is your fortress's guard animals, such as war dogs or cave crocodiles.

Breeding and Rearing Animals

The breeding of animals can be a valuable source of food and income for your fortress. If you're planning on breeding animals, it's vital to make sure you have enough food and water to feed them all. You should also select high-quality animals to breed to produce better offspring.

Culling and Selling Animals

One aspect of managing animals is determining what to do with the ones that aren't worth keeping. Sometimes, animals may become sick, old, or retarded, and in these cases, it's best to either sell or cull them to make room for better animals.

To cull an animal, select it from the 'animals' menu and then select the option to kill it. If you want to sell an animal, place it in a cage or restraint and assign it to a trader caravan.


Animal training can be an essential aspect of your Dwarf Fortress's success. By following these simple tips, you can train your animals to be effective haulers, skilled defenders, and even perform other jobs that can help your fortress thrive. Remember to always have enough food and water for your animals, and don't forget to sell or cull those that are no longer useful.

Comparison of Animal Training in Dwarf Fortress


Dwarf Fortress is a world-renowned game that tests the management skills of its players. One of the key aspects of the game is managing animals within the fortress. These animals are a vital resource for the player as they provide food, labor, and protection. Animal training is an important aspect of the game and can be used to train animals to perform specific tasks. In this article, we will compare two methods of training animals in Dwarf Fortress.

Method 1: The Traditional Method

The traditional method of training animals in Dwarf Fortress involves selecting an animal and assigning it to a dwarf for training. The dwarf will then create a training zone for the animal, and the animal will be trained based on the skill level of the dwarf assigned to it.This method can be time-consuming and requires the player to micromanage the training process. However, it can be effective in producing well-trained animals that are loyal to their assigned dwarves.

The Pros

  • Well-trained animals
  • Loyal to their assigned dwarves

The Cons

  • Time-consuming
  • Requires micromanagement

Method 2: The Newer Method

The newer method of animal training in Dwarf Fortress is a more hands-off approach. It involves creating a training zone for an entire species of animals and letting them self-train.The animals will train themselves by performing tasks that are specific to their species. For example, dogs will hunt vermin, while horses will haul goods. The animals will become better at these tasks over time without the need for dwarven intervention.

The Pros

  • Less micromanagement required
  • Allows for animals to train in their natural behavior

The Cons

  • Less control over individual animals
  • May result in less well-trained animals

Table Comparison

Method 1Method 2
Well-trained animalsLess well-trained animals
Loyal to assigned dwarvesLess individual control over animals
Time-consumingLess micromanagement required
Requires micromanagementAllows for animals to self-train
Allows animals to train in their natural behavior


In my opinion, both methods have their pros and cons. Method 1 is useful if the player wants well-trained, loyal animals that are obedient to their assigned dwarves. However, it can be time-consuming and requires a lot of micromanagement.Method 2 is a more hands-off approach that allows animals to train themselves based on their species' natural behavior. While this method requires less micromanagement, it may result in less well-trained animals and less control over individual animals.Overall, I think a combination of both methods may be the most effective approach. Assigning specific animals to dwarves for training can produce well-trained and loyal pets while creating training zones for species of animals can allow for self-training and less micromanagement.

Animal Training in Dwarf Fortress

The Importance of Animal Training

Animal training is a very important aspect of Dwarf Fortress. Not only do trained animals provide valuable resources, such as milk, wool, or eggs, but they can also be used for defense, hauling heavy items, or even as an offensive weapon. Proper animal training is essential to maximize their usefulness in your fortress.

Selecting the Right Animals

Before beginning the training process, it's important to select the right animals. Choose animals that are well-suited to your needs. If you need hauling animals, select animals with high strength and endurance. If you need defense animals, choose ones with high bite or kick attacks. For resource-producing animals, choose ones with high yield or quality.

Beginning the Training Process

To begin the training process, designate a zone for animal training. This can be done by selecting an area and pressing i, then selecting the p option to designate a pen. Once you have a designated training zone, select the animals you wish to train and assign them to the pen using the z menu.

Basic Training Commands

Training commands can be accessed through the t menu. Some basic training commands include:- Train: This command teaches an animal a specific skill, such as biting or hauling.- Release: This command allows an animal to roam free in the designated training zone.- Train All: This trains all healthy and untrained animals in the pen.- Chain: This ties an animal to a specific location within the training zone.

Raising the Skill Level

Training animals requires patience and commitment. Training sessions should be kept short to avoid overexertion and reduce stress. As your animals' skill level increases, be sure to reassign them to pens with others of their skill level. This will help improve the overall productivity of your animals.

Taming Wild Animals

Wild animals can be a valuable addition to your fortress, but they must first be tamed. To tame wild animals, assign a dwarf with the animal training labor to the designated training zone. Once there, the dwarf will begin building a training facility and taming any wild animals in the area.

Proper Animal Care

In addition to training, proper animal care is essential. Make sure your animals have access to food and water, as well as a clean living environment. Regular veterinary care is also important in maintaining the health and productivity of your animals.


Breeding animals can produce offspring with desirable traits, such as higher yields or better combat capabilities. However, breeding should only be done with animals that have reached a certain level of skill, as it ensures that their offspring will inherit these traits.


Training animals in Dwarf Fortress requires patience and dedication, but the rewards can be great. Proper training, care, and breeding can result in a highly productive and versatile group of animals that can greatly benefit your fortress. Always remember to select the right animals for your specific needs and prioritize their wellbeing to maximize their usefulness.

Animal Training in Dwarf Fortress: Taming the Wild Beasts

Welcome to the vast world of Dwarf Fortress, where animals roam free and a skilled trainer can make all the difference. Animal training can mean the difference between a thriving cattle farm and a pack of wild creatures rampaging through your fortress. In this blog post, we will explore the intricacies of animal training in Dwarf Fortress and provide some helpful tips for success.

The first step in animal training is capturing the wild beasts. You can do this in several ways, including building cage traps or assigning a squad of hunters to go out and bring back potential recruits. Once you have your animals captured, it's time to assign a trainer.

Choosing the right dwarf for the job is essential. Look for dwarves with an aptitude for animal training, which can be found in their skills screen. It's also important to consider their other responsibilities, as a busy farmer or blacksmith may not have enough time to devote to training animals.

Once you have a qualified trainer assigned, it's time to start training your animals. The key to successful training is starting small and gradually increasing the difficulty. Begin by teaching your animals simple tasks, such as hauling items or fetching water. As they become more skilled, move on to more complex tasks like shearing wool or milking cows.

Training can be a long process, but it's worth the effort. A well-trained animal can provide a valuable source of food, clothing, and labor. They can also help defend your fortress against invaders, or even be trained as war animals to send into battle.

It's essential to keep your animals well-fed and healthy during training. Make sure they have access to food and water at all times, and keep them in comfortable living conditions. A happy animal is much more likely to succeed in their tasks than a malnourished or unhappy one.

As you progress in your animal training, you may encounter some challenges. Some animals are more difficult to train than others, and you may encounter resistance or even aggression. In these cases, it's important to remain patient and persistent. With time and effort, even the most resistant animal can become a valuable member of your fortress.

Another factor to consider is the size of your operation. A small fortress may only require a few trained animals, while a sprawling city may need hundreds or even thousands to function effectively. Make sure you have enough trainers and resources to handle the workload, and don't be afraid to scale back if necessary.

Finally, it's important to remember that animal training is just one aspect of Dwarf Fortress. It's easy to get lost in the minutiae of training schedules and task assignments, but don't forget about the bigger picture. Your fortress needs food, shelter, and defense, so make sure your animal training fits in with your overall strategy.

In conclusion, animal training is a vital part of Dwarf Fortress gameplay. With patience, persistence, and a skilled trainer, you can turn wild beasts into valuable assets for your fortress. Keep these tips in mind, and your cattle farm may just become the envy of all your dwarf neighbors.

Thank you for reading this blog post on animal training in Dwarf Fortress. We hope you found it informative and helpful. May your animals be happy, your fortress be impregnable, and your beer always cold!

People Also Ask about Animal Training in Dwarf Fortress

What is Animal Training in Dwarf Fortress?

Animal training is a feature in Dwarf Fortress that lets you tame and train animals to perform various tasks such as hauling goods, guarding your fortress, and even fighting enemies.

How do I Train Animals in Dwarf Fortress?

To train animals in Dwarf Fortress, you will need to assign them to a trainer who has the animal training skill. Once assigned, the trainer will work with the animal to improve its skills in the desired tasks.

What Skills can animals learn in Dwarf Fortress?

Animals in Dwarf Fortress can learn several skills such as:

  • Hauling: This skill involves teaching your animals to move items from one place to another.
  • Guard: This involves training your animals to protect your fortress from invaders and other dangers.
  • Fighting: You can train certain animals to fight in battles and even use them as deadly weapons against your enemies.

Can I Train any Animal in Dwarf Fortress?

Yes, you can train most animals in Dwarf Fortress, including horses, dogs, cats, and even giant rats!

Are there any Risks in Animal Training?

Yes, there are some risks involved in animal training. If an animal is not properly trained, it may attack your dwarves or other animals in your fortress. Additionally, some animals may be difficult to train, and it can take a lot of time and resources to get them to learn the desired skills.

Is Animal Training Worth it in Dwarf Fortress?

Yes, animal training can be very useful in Dwarf Fortress. Trained animals can help with various tasks like hauling goods and guarding the fortress. Additionally, trained animals can even increase the value of your fortress and make it more impressive to visitors.