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Discover the Surprising Answer: What Animal Feasts on Oranges?

Discover the Surprising Answer: What Animal Feasts on Oranges?

Have you ever wondered what animal eats oranges? If not, prepare to be surprised. It turns out that there are quite a few animals that enjoy indulging in this juicy fruit.

One such animal is the orangutan. Yes, the name gives it away, but did you know that these primates are avid fruit eaters? Orangutans can often be found munching on ripe oranges that have fallen from the trees.

Another animal that enjoys the taste of oranges is the squirrel. These small rodents have a sweet tooth and will happily devour any fruit that they come across, including oranges. In fact, if you leave an orange out for too long, you might find a squirrel nibbling away at it.

But it's not just the larger primates and small squirrels that eat oranges. Did you know that even some insects and birds enjoy snacking on citrus fruit?

In particular, butterflies love sipping on the juice of ripe oranges. They use their proboscis, which is like a long flexible straw, to drink the sweet nectar from the fruit. And hummingbirds, too, can't resist the allure of orange juice.

But what about the bigger predators? Surely, they don't eat oranges, right? Well, you might be surprised to learn that even big cats like tigers and lions have been known to snack on oranges occasionally. These powerful predators are omnivorous and have been observed eating various fruits in the wild.

So why do all these animals love eating oranges so much? One reason could be that oranges are full of vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health. Plus, they taste delicious!

If you're thinking of feeding oranges to your pets, there are a few things to keep in mind. Dogs should only be given citrus fruits in small amounts, as they can cause vomiting and diarrhea if eaten in large quantities. However, cats can enjoy oranges in moderation, and it might even help them get the nutrients they need for a healthy coat.

In conclusion, if you ever find yourself with some extra oranges lying around, don't be afraid to share them with the wildlife around you. From small rodents to big cats, everyone can benefit from a sweet, juicy treat once in a while.

So there you have it, folks. Now you know what animal eats oranges, and why they love them so much. Who knew that such a simple fruit could bring so much joy to creatures both big and small?

What Animal Eats Oranges
"What Animal Eats Oranges" ~ bbaz

When it comes to the juicy and tangy fruit, oranges are a favorite amongst many. They are a great source of Vitamin C and are enjoyed in various forms such as juice, cooked dishes or simply as a snack. However, oranges are not only a treat for humans but also for some animals! Let’s take a look at some of the creatures that enjoy munching on this delicious fruit.


As orangutans are named after the word ‘orang’ which translates to ‘person’ in Malay and Indonesian languages, it’s no surprise that primates love oranges too. From chimpanzees to baboons, primates are known to have a strong liking for citrus fruits. Orangutans have been seen peeling whole oranges and savoring them with pleasure. Even some smaller primates like tamarins and marmosets have been observed eating the fruit in zoos and natural habitats.


These nocturnal animals have a reputation for being mischievous and eating everything in sight. They are omnivores which mean they eat both plants and meat. As raccoons enjoy a wide variety of food, they are likely to have a taste for oranges too. Though they are not commonly seen actively seeking out the fruit, they can be found scavenging fruit trees where oranges might be within reach.


While most people would shiver at the thought of rats coming near their food, rats have a keen sense of smell and love scavenging for fruits like oranges. These little rodents are known to raid orange trees in search of the sweet citrusy flavor. Rats have also been reported to chew through the peel to get to the juicy flesh inside.


Squirrels these cute little creatures are omnivores so they eat a wide variety of foods including fruits and vegetables. When it comes to oranges, squirrels are known to nibble on them but not with much enthusiasm. You may often find bits of orange flesh scattered around squirrel nests. This is because squirrels usually wouldn't choose oranges over other types of fruits or nuts.


These nocturnal animals are known for their scavenging habits, subsisting mostly on the fruit found on the forest floor as well as insects and small vertebrates. Oranges are not their primary food source but can be considered as an occasional treat.


It might come as a surprise to many that certain bird species also enjoy the taste of oranges. Orioles and tanagers are among the numerous bird species that have a special liking towards sweet and tangy fruits. They are often seen perching on orange trees and enjoying this juicy treat.

In conclusion

In summary, there are various animals that enjoy eating oranges. From primates to birds, rats to raccoons, each of these creatures have their own unique way of consuming the fruit. While oranges are loved by many, it is important to remember that not all animals may tolerate them equally. Thus, it’s always best to enjoy the fruit in moderation and protect your garden trees from being raided by wildlife!

Comparison of Animals that Eat Oranges


Oranges are juicy fruits that are liked by many animals including humans. These fruits are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that help to boost our immune system. However, humans are not the only animals that eat oranges. Many other animals also enjoy this fruit as a part of their diet. In this article, we will discuss some of the animals that eat oranges and compare their preferences.

The Animals


Raccoons are known for their taste for sweet and savory foods. They love to eat fruits such as apples, berries, and yes – oranges! These animals are known for their resourcefulness and can easily climb trees to grab any fruit they desire. Raccoons can eat both ripe and unripe oranges, although they tend to prefer sweeter ones.


Squirrels are another animal that loves to eat oranges. These rodents are known for their agility and can easily climb trees to gather fruits. Squirrels love all kinds of fruit, but oranges are one of their favorites. They are particularly drawn to sweet oranges and will eat them whole if given the chance. Squirrels are known to hoard food, so you might find a stash of oranges hidden somewhere if you have a squirrel problem!


Monkeys are known to be fruit lovers, and oranges are no exception. Different species of monkeys have different tastes, but in general, they enjoy sweet and sour fruits. Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is essential for monkeys' health. Many zoos and wildlife parks feed oranges to their primates as part of their diet.


Birds are also fond of oranges, especially the nectar-loving species such as hummingbirds and orioles. These birds are attracted to the sweet smell and taste of oranges and can often be found feeding on them. Apart from nectar-drinking birds, some fruit-eating birds like thrushes and waxwings also enjoy oranges. Birds usually peck at the fruit's flesh and consume the juicy pulp inside.

Comparison Table

Raccoons Squirrels Monkeys Birds
Preference sweeter varieties sweeter varieties sweet and sour varieties nectar-loving species
Method of Consumption eating whole or peeling eating whole or peeling peeling and eating pecking at the flesh
Habitat Forest and urban areas Forest and urban areas Tropical and subtropical forests Varies by species


From the comparison table, we can see that all the animals listed have a preference for sweeter oranges, which is not surprising given how appealing sweet fruits are. However, the method of consumption differs between animals. While raccoons and squirrels can eat oranges whole or peel them, monkeys prefer to peel the fruit before eating it. Birds, on the other hand, peck at the flesh of the fruit.

In conclusion, oranges are enjoyed by many different animals, including humans. They are a nutritious food that provides vitamins and minerals essential for good health. Whether you have a backyard full of fruit trees or enjoy feeding wildlife in your area, consider leaving some oranges out for the animals to enjoy. Who knows, you might end up attracting a few new furry friends to your garden!

What Animal Eats Oranges: A Comprehensive Guide


Oranges are a delicious and popular fruit, but have you ever wondered what animals eat oranges besides humans? In this tutorial, we will explore some of the animals that enjoy snacking on these juicy fruits.

1. Squirrels

Squirrels love to eat oranges, especially during the winter months when food is scarce. They are known for their resourcefulness and can climb trees to reach the fruit or gnaw away at the rind to get to the pulp inside.

2. Birds

Many birds also enjoy eating oranges, including orioles, tanagers, and woodpeckers. These birds are attracted to the sweet juice and high vitamin C content in the fruit.

3. Raccoons

Raccoons are omnivores and will eat almost anything, including oranges. They are often seen raiding fruit trees at night, searching for ripe oranges to feast on.

4. Monkeys

In the wild, monkeys are known to eat a variety of fruits, including oranges. These intelligent primates will climb trees to reach the fruit or wait for it to fall to the ground before picking it up to eat.

5. Bats

Bats are nocturnal creatures that feed on fruit, insects, and nectar. Some species of bats have been known to eat oranges, as well as other types of citrus fruit.

6. Deer

Deer are herbivores that primarily feed on plants and vegetation, but they have also been known to eat oranges if they come across them in the wild.

7. Rats

Believe it or not, rats also enjoy eating oranges. They are omnivores that will eat almost anything, including fruit, vegetables, and even small insects.

8. Opossums

Opossums are scavengers that will eat just about anything, including oranges. They are often seen raiding fruit trees at night, searching for ripe oranges to eat.

9. Rabbits

Rabbits are herbivores that primarily feed on grass and other types of vegetation, but they have also been known to eat oranges if they come across them in the wild.

10. Humans

Last but not least, humans love to eat oranges too! We enjoy them as a healthy snack or as part of our meals, and we use the juice to make drinks and desserts.


In conclusion, there are many animals that enjoy eating oranges, from squirrels and birds to raccoons and monkeys. Even animals that are primarily herbivores, such as deer and rabbits, will sometimes indulge in some sweet citrus fruit. So next time you enjoy an orange, remember that you're not the only one who loves these juicy treats!

What Animal Eats Oranges: A Comprehensive Guide

Oranges are known to be one of the healthiest fruits that can provide tons of benefits to the body. They are rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. Many people enjoy oranges as snacks or as ingredients for various recipes. But aside from humans, what other creatures are fond of eating this delicious fruit?

In this article, we will explore the different animals that love to munch on oranges. We will discover how they eat them, what benefits they get from them, and how they are integrated into their natural diet.

The first animal on our list is:

1. Monkeys

Monkeys are popular for their omnivorous nature, which means they consume both meat and plants. Oranges are one of their favorite fruits. They eat them primarily for energy and hydration, but they also serve as natural sources of vitamin C, flavonoids, and carotenoids- essential nutrients needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Monkeys are skilled in peeling oranges, and they usually remove the skin first before eating the pulp.

2. Birds

Birds come second on our list of animals that eat oranges. They usually prefer softer variants like navel oranges because they are easier to cut through and chew. The vitamin C in oranges is essential for their immune system, which helps them fight off diseases. Orioles, woodpeckers, and thrushes are the most common types of birds that eat oranges.

3. Squirrels

Squirrels are the intriguing creatures that have the ability to find food in the weirdest places. Their sharp sense of smell guides them to ripe oranges hanging from tree branches. They're known for digging holes, stashing oranges inside them, and feeding on the fruits in colder months when food is scarce. Oranges are rich in carbohydrates, which gives squirrels the energy that they need to survive.

4. Raccoons

Raccoons are also omnivorous animals that love to eat oranges. They have a sweet-tooth and are attracted to the scent of juicy citrus fruits. They usually find oranges on the ground and eat them whole, including the skin. The high water content of oranges serves as an excellent source of hydration for raccoons, especially during hotter months of the year.

5. Deer

Deer is another animal that has a taste for oranges. These herbivorous mammals eat various plants, including fruits like oranges. They eat them mostly during fall when other natural food sources are scarce. The sweetness of oranges provides much-needed energy to deer during harsh winter months. Oranges are also useful for providing antioxidants that help in the growth, repair, and maintenance of their body tissues.

6. Bats

Bats are nocturnal creatures that play an essential role in balancing ecological systems. Oranges serve as an excellent food source for bats because they are naturally high in sugar and nectar — some people even use half-cut oranges on bird-feeders to attract bats to their gardens. Eating oranges also helps them maintain their sugar levels and keep them active during their hunt for insects at night.

7. Bees

Oranges are valuable sources of pollen and nectar for bees. The citrusy scent and color of oranges attract bees to their flowers and promote cross-pollination. Without bees, oranges would not be able to grow and thrive. Oranges help in the production of honey, which is made out of bees' hard work.


From monkeys to bees, different animals have different tastes and preferences when it comes to eating oranges. All these creatures benefit from the nutrients and hydration that oranges provide. Oranges are not only excellent for humans but also essential to many of our animal friends. The next time you see an orange, think about all the animals it feeds and helps to survive in the wild.

Thank you for reading this article on What Animal Eats Oranges. We hope you gained some knowledge about the different animals that enjoy this juicy and delicious fruit. Stay updated for more exciting articles in the future!

What Animal Eats Oranges?

1. Do squirrels eat oranges?

Yes, squirrels are known to eat oranges. They enjoy the sweetness of the fruit and can often be seen gnawing at the flesh of the orange with their sharp teeth.

2. Can birds eat oranges?

Yes, many birds enjoy eating oranges including orioles, robins, blue jays, and woodpeckers. You can attract these birds to your yard by placing sliced oranges or orange halves on a bird feeder.

3. Do deer eat oranges?

While deer are known to eat fruit, oranges are not typically part of their diet. They may occasionally try a bite of an orange if it's available, but it is not a common food source for them.

4. What other animals eat oranges?

  • Raccoons
  • Opossums
  • Bears
  • Monkeys
  • Porcupines

5. Is it safe for dogs to eat oranges?

Yes, oranges are a safe and healthy snack for dogs in moderation. However, be sure to remove any seeds or peel before giving them to your furry friend.